A union allows workers to join together to promote their
A union allows workers to join together to promote their

A union allows workers to join together to promote their professional#

“We’re a professional organization, not some steel mill.” Bellows was the newest unit director and, at 27, one of the youngest ever in the company’s history. “They won’t have a chance,” Bellows was continuing. But it’s another story for support staff. Wellington Associates will go to almost any length for the analysts. Was she really so removed from those days, from her early management style, that she hadn’t noticed the discontent growing throughout her support staff? Now there was a full-fledged human resources department in place, and Wellington Associates employed more than 200 people to analyze and predict the course of technological change for more than 1,000 clients. Back then-in fact, up to the point when the company had employed more than 30 people-she had done all her own recruiting. She thought back to the day nearly 20 years ago when she had started the company. It had never occurred to her that such a thing might happen. She imagined that the same look was on her face as well. “What?” The question came from Elaine Bellows, who ran the New Media Research Group, but looking around the table, Wellington could see it on everyone’s face. “It’s not the analysts they’re targeting. Jane has made very sure that we’ve got some of the best pay and bennies in the industry.”Ĭusack shook his head. “Cusack, the look on your face had me worried there for a minute. “Oh, that’s not a problem,” said Neil Whetson, head of IS, from across the table. “I was just informed-about two hours ago, in fact-that the United Office Workers Union has started a campaign to organize some of our staff.” “Not to get this meeting off track even before it starts, but we have a problem I think you should all hear about sooner rather than later,” he said.Ĭusack was as genial a person as Wellington had ever known, but the look on his face told her that this was serious.

a union allows workers to join together to promote their a union allows workers to join together to promote their

She was pulling out her copy of the agenda when Elvin Cusack, head of human resources, raised a finger in the air. Jane Wellington, founder and CEO of Wellington Associates, a company devoted to analyzing the high-tech industry, had taken her seat. If your complaint is successful the employment tribunal can order your employer to pay you the value of the unauthorised payments.The weekly senior-management meeting had just begun.

a union allows workers to join together to promote their

If your trade union subscriptions are taken from your pay without your consent, you could make a complaint to an employment tribunal against your employer. If you have a problem with your check-off payments, try to discuss the issue with your employer and your trade union first. Your employer is responsible for making sure that any check-off payments they make are legal. They must then stop taking subs from your pay as soon as it’s possible. You can also ask your employer in writing to stop taking money from your pay for check-off whenever you want. Many trade unions will get your agreement to pay by check-off when you join, and forward it to your employer. Your employer cannot take union membership subs from your pay without your written permission. They can stop sending your membership subs unless your employment contract says they have to. Your employer does not have to take union membership subs from your pay and send it to the union.

  • having the amount taken by your employer from your pay and sent to the union (otherwise known as ‘check-off’).
  • This can be the same amount for all employees or based on how much you’re paid. Your union will charge a union membership fee (‘membership sub’) to finance the work of the union. You can also use the TUC’s interactive tool to help you find a trade union in your workplace, or one which covers your type of job. You can search a list of unions and their contact details put together by the Certification Officer, the independent organisation responsible for the legal regulation of unions. The union rep will tell you if you’re eligible to join and give you a membership form to fill in. Their contact details may be in your company handbook, intranet site or on the union noticeboard. If there’s a union at work, you can ask the trade union representative (‘rep’) about joining.
  • going with members to disciplinary and grievance meetings.
  • a union allows workers to join together to promote their

    discussing members’ concerns with employers.discussing big changes like large scale redundancy.negotiating agreements with employers on pay and conditions.It looks after their interests at work by doing things like: A trade union is an organisation with members who are usually workers or employees.

    A union allows workers to join together to promote their